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Romania study visit This two-day study visit (16-18 December 2010) organised by IAN International Aid Network with assistance of Romanian organisation EOS within the Click to Europe project gathered eight representatives of local NGOs and Government of the Republic of Serbia .
On the second day the team visited the eCentre in the village Recas . We spoke with the Centre Manager and exchanged experiences about the cooperation between local municipality and eCentre in Romania and Serbia . Finally, the team visited PAPI in the village Fârliug. This PAPI is settled in the premises of the local school and shares some of the resources with the school.
The study visit was a good opportunity for sharing experiences, challenges and best practices between Romanian and Serbian Telecentres. The participants and the representatives of visited Romanian organisations agreed that there are many possibilities for cooperation and that they would continue communication and start developing ideas for future projects, and apply for IPA funds for neighbourhood programmes. Second study visit within the Click to Europe project included the visit to Spain. It was organised in the period 28-30 March 2011. Six representatives of CSOs and public sector engaged in e-skills promotion had an opportunity to learn about different approaches and actions implemented in Spain in order to increase citizens` e-Inclusion. The study trip was designed together by IAN and Esplai and it included visits to six different organisations and institutions in and around Barcelona and meetings with their representatives.
The second institution visited was Community Technological Centre (CTC), in a village Masquefa near Barcelona . The mayor of Masquiefa greeted the participants and presented the CTC. It is a resource municipal centre providing information, technology and communication services to Masquefa citizens, businesses and organizations, providing the town with an autonomous and strong social and economic development capacity. Totes les instal•lacions del són accessibles per a persones amb discapacitat a nivell d'obra, mobiliari i recursos tecnològics: ascensor, rampes, wc, anell magnètic, taulell de recepció, senyalització, plànol de relleu, plana web, eines de difusió, software, hardware, teclats, ratolins, pissarra digital, etc. All the facilities of the CTC are accessible to people with disabilities, and computer classrooms are equipped with assistive technologies. It provides different services: training, free use of ICT and courses, support and advice to businesses and entrepreneurs, guidance and advice on job search.
The operation of the CTC has been supported by local authorities with the aim to combat the digital divide and contribute to everyone's access to new technologies and the Information Society and Communication, with no exceptions. The participants were impressed with the some of the latest ICT assistive technologies available in the centre. The group from Serbia also had a meeting with the representatives of Public Catalan Libraries where they were introduced with the concept of libraries serving also as public Internet-access point for the community. One of the most important and the highest level meeting was a visit to the Catalan Ministry for Telecommunications and Information Society . The Head of the Department Mr Ricard Faura i Homedes presented the activities of the Ministry related to promoting the use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICT) in all spheres of society, to achieve European standards, which is one of the key objectives identified in Government's plan.
The certificate was established by the Catalan Government and it is a proof of a certain level of competencies (basic/ intermediate/advanced) recognised by the Catalonian government and needed for any public job. The other regional governmental institution visited was Citizen and Community Action Catalan General Directorate that presented its OMNIA Network project aimed at providing access to information and communication technologies as a means of improving and promoting personal autonomy and an element of participation fostered social cohesion.
Finally, the Serbian delegation visited a non-profit association Diversitat Lúdica (Recreational Diversity ) that provides informal education for children and youth, developing a social and educational work. In the premises of this organisation the visitors had chance to see and talk with a group of women from vulnerable community groups who attended the ICT courses and also talked to the facilitators of this telecentre.
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