IAN has partnered with 7 of oganizations for implementing the Telecentre Multimedia Academy (TMA), a 24 months project aimed at designing, developing and piloting a learning programme on media literacy addressed to adult learners. During 20-21 November the kick-off meeting took place in Timisoara and was hosted by EOS Foundation, the Romanian partner of the project.
The programme will equip learners with skills related to understanding, use and production of media based on ICTs, including audio-visual and photography. The TMA project will also establish reference points across Europe to offer this learning opportunity to adults on a regular basis.
Kick-off meeting
From digital literacy to media literacy
In the past years, a huge effort has been undertaken to enhance digital key competence by adult learners and has been focused on information technology, i.e. the use of the computer, ECDL certification, etc. The potential value of technology for enhancing learning, as gatekeeper for occupational success and full civic participation, however, implies a greater diffusion of media literacy, which entails specific ICT skills.
The importance of media literacy is underlined by the recognition that the new economies will be dominated by digital technologies, and the human ability to use these technologies for social, cultural and economic advantage. In the Commission Recommendation of 20 August 2009 on media literacy in the digital environment for a more competitive audiovisual and content industry and an inclusive knowledge society it is stated that:
"Media literacy relates to the ability to access the media, to understand and critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media content and to create communications in a variety of contexts", and that "Media literacy is a matter of inclusion and citizenship in today's information society. It is a fundamental skill not only for young people but also for adults and elderly people, parents, teachers and media professionals".
Aims & objectives of the Telecentre Multimedia Academy
TMA will make available a learning opportunity on media literacy for adult learners and provide a flexible, simply implementable, and modular learning pathway, easily transferrable and applicable for a range of diverse contexts and organization types. It will be suitable for the needs of a variety of target groups that access adult education programmes, with a considerable array of skills, dispositions and experiences.
TMA will put a step forward the learning offer for adult learning, pursuing the following objectives:
- To investigate the programmes and courses available (also partially) in adult education and training sectors for media literacy and multimedia use and production, and provide a report on media literacy in Europe for adult learners;
- To design a full programme on media literacy for adult learners, modular, flexible and easily transferrable, based on active learning: the pathway will have a twofold level of access, a basic level, for learners with low or no skills in multimedia and related subjects (media literacy); an advanced level, for learners who already have basic skills on multimedia and related subjects;
- To develop learning materials favouring the use of teaching methods based on case studies, game-based activities, problem-based activities etc.;
- To pilot the learning pathway in real settings, in 7 countries;
- To review and modify (if needed) the pathway and related materials according to the piloting results;
- To establish 6 Telecentre Multimedia Academies in 6 countries, offering the programme on regular basis and being reference point for media literacy for adult learners
- To develop and keep updated a website, as reference point for media literacy in adult education in Europe;
- To raise awareness about the relevance of media literacy for full participation in society;
- To exploit the results, and promote adoption of the programme by telecentres and adult education institutions in Europe;
- To organise a conference on Media Literacy for Inclusion, that will bring together policy makers, practitioners, other stakeholders to discuss the topic and plan joint actions;
- To reach these objectives an appropriate project management, completed with tight processes of monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance will be put in place.
