For a World without Torture

International Aid Network – IAN commemorated this year the 26th of June the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture organizing three events.
A press conference was held on June 26. The first part of the conference entitled Torture victims – (lack of) state`s care addressed the cases of torture and inhuman treatment committed by public officials, victims` right to rehabilitation and the importance of treatment in order to recover from severe and long-term physical and mental consequences that torture inflicts. Efforts of IAN Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims were presented as well as work of the National Prevention Mechanism, including the monitoring visits to police stations and psychiatric institutions performed jointly with the representatives of relevant civil society organizations. Media representatives were introduced with current actions and results of the NPM in prevention and documentation of torture. |
Campaign activities included also two theatrical workshops where the performers were victims of torture or persons who are members of social groups at risk of torture.
The first workshop “Seagull or about Love” based on the Chekhov's Seagull was preformed by the members of the association of youth living with HIV. It addressed the theme of different forms of love. The workshop was followed by a round table “Negation of the humane” which put a particular accent on dehumanisation of the persons living with HIV which may easily lead to torture or other inhuman treatment. |
Photos from the first workshop “Seagull or about Love” |
The second workshop , “Where is the body of the soul” was organized on the 27 th of June and it was performed by the members of the civic association “Soul” who are users of psychiatric services. They presented a body as the main actor in a theatre, but also metaphorically showed to the public how torture is maniphested on a body. Personal experiences of the actors contributed to the authenticity of the message they conveyed. The performance was followed by a round table “Body, I and the boundaries” where it was discussed how the suffering caused by torture equally affects both body and soul of a human being. Among the speakers at the round table were the performers, forensic experts, playwright and a choreographer.
Photos from the second workshop “Where is the body of the soul?” |
The campaign was conducted as a part of the IAN projects Torture Prevention and Rehabilitation of Victims and Together against Torture financed by the EU and co-financed by the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT).
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