1. Psychotherapeutic assistance
Psychotherapeutic assistance consists of psychological and psychiatric diagnostics and treatment in the form of individual and/or group and family psychotherapy (supported with medicaments) and SOS counselling.
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Counsellors admit all clients who come to IAN CRTV and conduct an initial interview with the aim of assessing the needs of beneficiaries, introducing beneficiaries with services available in the Centre. After establishing preliminary assessment, counsellors agree with the client about further steps (assistance and further psychotherapeutic treatment.) First interviews as well as i ndividual counselling psychotherapy is organised in a discrete and safe setting in the premises of the CRTVs or in the field, respecting privacy and confidentiality. Usual step after the initial contact with a psychologist is making appointment for in-depth psychological assessment and referral to psychiatrist for the first psychiatric interview. |
Psychotherapists provide beneficiaries with detailed information on the psychological assessment and information about the psychotherapeutic process and principles, his/her rights and also his/her obligations in the process in order for the psychotherapy to be successful. Afterwards, the client's written consent will be obtained.
Besides individual psychotherapy, group and family psychotherapy is also organized by psychotherapists in agreement with the clients, with defined duration of the treatment (six month, one year or two years) and the type of the group (open or closed for new members).
According to the needs, psychiatrists prescribe medicaments, which are on the list of approved, free-of-charge medicaments in CRTVs.
SOS phone counselling is also provided . The work on the SOS telephone help-line includes counselling with psychologist and provision of necessary information, including information about services available at the Centre, and referral of clients to the Centre.
2. Medical assistance
Medical assistance includes diagnostic, general medical and cardiologic examination and treatment supported with medicaments.
During the first interview a counsellor provides information about the possibility of free-of-charge medical examination, and fills in a short check-list to determine client's physical health and records information regarding the client's health problems. If there are indications that the client requires a medical examination, the counsellor makes an appointment for the client in CRTV's Medical Department as soon as possible.
After the general medical examination, if there are indications for further specialized treatment, clients are referred to specialized medical examination within the Centre or to other specialized treatment to other health institutions in BiH/Serbia.
Medical examinations include: general internal examination with electrocardiogram (ECG) and glucose control, together with more specialised procedures for individuals at risk, which include: computerized stress testing with cycloergometer, 24-hours ambulatory ECG monitoring, two dimensional echocardiography with cardiac Doppler, abdominal ultrasound examination, p eripheral vessels Doppler. |
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If needed, medical doctors prescribe medicaments, according to the identified needs and internal procedures. The medications are provided free of charge.
3. Psycho-social rehabilitation
Psycho-social rehabilitation consists of professional empowerment through provision of
- computer courses
- entrepreneurship courses
- social skills courses.
The courses are aimed to be beneficial for developing specific skills and competencies required for competitive participation at the local labour markets. The main objective of education programme is to increase chances for finding a new/better job and as a result, to improve material status, and social integration into society.
The courses are held in IAN Education centre. All interested beneficiaries (victims of torture and members of their families) may apply for the courses through the phone (011) 7617 197 or directly in IAN (Admirala Geprata10, Belgrade).
4. Legal assistance
Legal assistance to victims of torture includes legal counselling, assistance in exercising various social rights, compensation of damage and direct representation at the courts.
Work with clients includes telephone contacts with clients, meeting with clients in Centres' offices, legal advising and taking statements in cases of torture, gathering documentation, meetings with witnesses and taking statement from them, preparation of clients and the witnesses for trails and bringing of criminal charges and organizing psychological and psychiatric examinations for clients.
5. Field work through mobile team
Some of the services IAN provides to torture victims are available also in the field, during visits of mobile team. Currently, the mobile team conducts regular visits to Serbia and BiH (regions: Bira c, Trebinje, Visegrad) . The mobile team services are provided in heath centres and hospitals (Health centre in Bratunac, General Hospital in Trebinje and Hostpital in Visegrad). The beneficiaries can get information about visits and services of the mobile team in IAN's partner organisation and other associates (Ex-detainees' Associations in Bratunac and Trebinje, Health centre in Bratunac, General hospital in Trebinje and Hospital in Visegrad).