Cooperationa and partnerships
Durable solutions for refugees and displace persons imply possibilities for return and exercising all rights in the country of origin, or permanent settlement in the country of exile, i.e. Serbia as well as resolution of multiple problems in the peace building process in the region.
Cross border cooperation and networking on the local and regional level provide strong basis for advocating for general improvement of refugee status as well as particular points of interest of our beneficiaries. It also enables more comprehensive assistance and support for the returnees to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo and Metohija. IAN is a member of several networks:

Part of the SEE RAN network in which IAN Numan rights department is mostly involved is TRIANGLE initiative. involves 14 NGOs from Bosnia-Herzegovina , Croatia , Serbia and Montenegro started with the aim to support and implement repatriation assistance activities across borders of the three countries through practical legal assistance to beneficiaries and cross-border visits of legal advisers and NGOs activists from BiH and Croatia to Serbia and Montenegro. |
TRIANGLE Info visit, refugee collective centre "U¹ce" in Obrenovac, Serbia, November 2003
Lawyers from BiH and Croatia visiting the refugee collective centre "Kasarna", Kucevo, October 2003

IAN is one of the six founder organizations of the Serbian Refugee Council (SRC), non-governmental organization founded in 2004 in Belgrade . The SRC has been initiated with aim to become a relevant national asset that lobbies and partners with the Republican Government and other relevant stakeholders in order to ensure that the rights of refugees, IDPs, asylum seekers and forced migrants are protected even once the humanitarian crisis has passed . |

The Kosovo Initiative Program is functioning the financial support of the NAB Secretariat under the Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs as an informal network of 17 partner-NGOs with a focus on refugee and IDPs assistance in Kosovo, Serbia & Montenegro, and be articulated around some key concepts: reintegration of returnees and IDPs, return and regional cooperation (cross-boundary and cross-entity).
Within the KIP network IAN has been engaged on the project focused on information sharing and distribution related to the process of return to Kosovo and Metohija. In order to achieve this web pages have been established on municipality web sites where all relevant information are presented The project is implemented in cooperation with partner organizations from Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija and also representatives of municipality authorities in KiM. |
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