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Manual for Sustainable Return

Part II - Operational Guidelines - Institutional Rolesand Responsibilities

Internally Displaced Persons and Refugee Associations and local NGOs working with the displaced play an important role in voicing the concerns and interest of the displaced Kosovan communities. Associations have a capacity, though limited, to gather information from displaced persons in different locations and facilitate individual access to information on the situation in Kosovo, personal documents, the returns process. They are increasingly playing an active role in pairing with international organisations to increase information to IDPs/Refugees and link into the established mechanisms in Kosovo. Associations are invited to play a more pro-active role in the returns process by actively engaging the structures and providing support within their abilities.

Responsibilities of the IDP/Refugee representative groups include:

1. Participate, where appropriate, in the MWGs.
2. Provide active support and recommendations on methods of engaging of IDPs/Refugees and associations in the dialogue and integration initiatives with majority communities through the MWG and Local Working Groups and through other supportive initiatives and fora.
3. Where appropriate reach out to international organisations to communicate and request to participate on GIVs and GSVs.
4. Support displaced persons to access information to the returns mechanism, such as the surveys conducted on GSVs.
5. Provide accurate information on the conditions for communities in Kosovo.
6. Fairly represent the interests of their constituency in the discussions on returns.
7. Take active steps to support improving conditions for returns by working with majority community associations where appropriate to increase dialogue initiatives.
8. Provide updated information on IDP interest to return and communicate conditions of return information related to IDPs (such as the present location of IDPs/Refugees, their places of origin in Kosovo, and their current conditions in displacement).



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