16 October 2014
The TMA Consortium is inviting organisations outside the Consortium to establish new Telecentre Multimedia Academies. It is an open and free possibility for adult education providers or other organisations dealing with media literacy programmes to establish own Academy. |
Final TMA project conference in Zagreb |
26 September 2014
The conference took place in Zagreb in the end of September. It was focused on presenting the Telecentre Multimedia Academy project to the wide rage of stakeholders and conference guests and a discussion of media and information literacy skills, with a focus on adult education curriculum as well as experience of its implementation in various European countries. |
Win a trip to Unite IT Conference ! |
15 July 2014
The call for good practice and policy for the Unite IT Annual Conference (Zagreb, 24-26 September) is open!
Accommodation will be covered for all members who submit a practice or policy. Five best practices will be awarded at an award ceremony and will receive a travel grant of up to 300 EUR. |
Women empowered through technology |
9 June 2014
Aiming at decreasing digital gender gap in Serbia and supporting women in obtaining a powerful tool for economic, social, educational and psychological empowerment, IAN Telecentar continuously provides comprehensive IT education to women. |
Single mothers participate in TMA piloting in Serbia |
2 June 2014
The piloting training on TMA project started in Serbia. A total number of 12 unemployed, single mothers are involved in the basic media training. |
IAN on a new adress |
7 May 2014
Dear associates, IAN sections Center for rehabilitation of torture victims and HIV - Mental health are on a new location. You can visit us in Ohridska 11 st, apartment 2, municipality of Vraèar (near Sveti Sava temple). Our new phone number is 011/24 32 084. |
Libraries for a New Age - Final Report |
14 February 2014
The project Libraries for a new age was led
by International Aid Network
and Vinkovci City Library (GKVK) from Croatia, and implemented in partnership with 4 libraries from Croatia and 3 from Serbia. |
Ceremonial award of certificates |
16 December 2013
This year within the project „Women education for jobs and better future“ supported by International Women`s Club, more than 50 single mothers attended different courses and acquired useful knowledge. |
Silver surfers 2013 |
30 October 2013
For a third year in a row, on October 30, Silver surfers competition was organised for grandparents and their grandchildren challenging their internet and computer use skills. The finals were held in the Public Library Kula within the cross border project Libraries for a new age |
Telecentre Multimedia Academy: 2nd partners meeting took place in Granada |
27 May 2013
In the very end of May the 2nd partners' meeting of international Telecentre Multimedia Academy project was held in Granada. |
e-Librarian – modern libraries as telecentres |
24 May 2013
Representatives of the partner libraries participating in the project Libraries for a new age from Serbia and Croatia had have been introduced with the concept of telecentres i.e. places in the community providing access to computers, internet and help citizens access information and knowledge using modern technologies. |
Football tournament Score a goal for the future |
19 May 2013
As part of the project Leave a different fingerprint on the world IAN organized a football tournament Score a goal for the future supported by the German foundation Schüler Helfen Leben. |
Workshop “Intercultural dialogue through the literature for children” |
15 May 2013
Third workshop within the cross-border project Libraries for a new age was held on 15 May 2013 in the City Library Vukovar under the title “Intercultural dialogue through the literature for children”. |
Networking of libraries and project presentation at the Health Festival Vinkovci |
20 April 2013
The project Libraries for a new age had its stand at Health Festival Vinkovci with books and other materials from towns of libraries participating in the project. Project cross-border activities and new services of libraries were also presented to the visitors of the festival. |
IAN Education Department on new location |
April 2013
From the 1st of May IAN Telecentar is on new location Djure Danicica Street 5, Belgrade, phone +381 11 3229 732. See detailed map here |
Platform on Cooperation of Civil Society Organisations in Prevention of Torture |
7 February 2013
IAN organized press conference with an aim to present the Platform on civil society cooperation in pursuing activities of the National mechanism for torture prevention NPM |
IAN gave comments on the Draft Law on the Protection of Persons with Mental Disabilities |
December 2012
Team of International Aid Network IAN, Mental Health group, prepared analysis and comments on the Draft Law on the Protection of Persons with Mental Disabilities, presented by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia in October, 2012. |
Kick-off meeting of the Telecentre Multimedia Academy project in Timisoara |
20 & 21 November 2012
IAN has partnered with 7 organizations for implementing the Telecentre Multimedia Academy (TMA), a 24 months project aimed at designing, developing and piloting a learning programme on media literacy addressed to adult learners. |
New UniteIT network project kicks off at partner meeting in Timisoara |
19 & 20 November 2012
UniteIT project aims at sharing knowledge, exchange of practices, set up debates in key topics and develop new strategic partnership involving actors across societal domains to contribute to overcome the digital divide and promote the acquisition of digital competences by groups-at-risk of exclusion. |
6 November 2012
To mark the launch of the project "Leave a different fingerprint on the world" IAN organised a press conference on the 6th of November in Belgrade, where the project goal and activities planned for the next two years were presented. |
Leave a Different Fingerprint on the World |
October 2012
Strongly believing that the society needs to give youth and children with behaviour problems a chance and assistance in social re-integration, developing socially acceptable forms of behaviour, forming and adopting positive system of values with a positive attitude towards education and work, with the support of German foundation Schuler Helfen Leben, IAN has started a project "Leave a Different Fingerprint on the World". |
Open call for consultative evaluation of the project Torture Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme |
12 October 2012
The purpose of the consultative evaluation is supporting project management to improve overall strategies in leading the project and to contribute to planning future activities. |
Silver surfers |
September 2012
In order to show that grandchildren can be of great support to their grandparents in mastering computer use and to stress the importance of intergenerational support in bringing digital literacy to the seniors and in learning in general, IAN organized an IT grandchildren-grandparents competition. |
Best Practice Guide |
23 August 2012
IAN in partnership with the EOS Foundation Romania, Latvian LIKTA and the Moldovan AITCC have developed a Best Practice Guide that can be useful to all telecentres in Europe. |
Commemoration of the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
in Serbia in 2012 |
June 2012
IAN commemorated this year the 26th of June the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture organizing three events. |
Monitoring Visit to Psychiatric Hospital in Novi Knezevac |
March 2012
Team of National Preventive Mechanism against Torture, in charge of systematic monitoring of psychiatric institutions, visited Special Psychiatric Hospital "Sveti Vracevi" in Novi Knezevac, on March 29th and 30th. |
Gender mainstreaming training |
March 2012
Within Torture Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme, funded by European Union, International Aid Network IAN organized Gender mainstreaming training for members of grass root organisations, associates on the project and IAN's project team. |
Workshop: Social entrepreneurship and sustainability of telecentres |
March 2012
IAN organized a workshop for representatives of Telecentres from Serbia, Latvia, Moldova and Romania. Project is supported by the Fund for an Open Society. |
IAN has become a part of National Preventive Mechanism against Torture |
February 2012
As decided by Serbian ombudsperson, International Aid Network is selected to be a part of National Preventive Mechanism against Torture, as organisation in charge of systematic monitoring of psychiatric institutions. |
ICT for development and telecentres services |
January 2012
EOS Foundation organized a workshop in Timisoara for representatives of Telecentres from Serbia, Latvia, Moldova and Romania. Project is
supported by the Fund for an Open Society. |
Computer literacy training in the women prison in Pozarevac, Serbia |
November 2011
IAN has started the realisation of computer courses for a group of women inmates in the Pozarevac prison. The initative for provision of this training came from the Head of the women prison who has recognised the importance of education and professional empowerment of the women inmates, aimed at preparing them for leaving this institution after the end of their sentence. |
Computer Courses for Olympians of the Third Era |
1 October 2011
That they are in their third era craving knowledge, courageous and have come to grips with the latest information communication technologies (ICT), was shown by the participants of the computer course which is held, upon an invitation by the organiser, IAN Telecentre within the "Fourth Olympiad of sport, health and culture for the third era". |
For a World without Torture |
26 June 2011
IAN commemorated the 26th of June, UN International Day in Support to Victims of Torture this year in a specific way, combining artistic performance named With Hamlet and a round table Let`s Stop Dehumanisation and We'll Stop Torture - for a World Without Torture . |
Super cyber teams: gradparents and their grandchildren |
18 June 2011
There was an unusual event which took place for grandparents and their grandchildren. They had a competition where they were to use the computers and navigate the internet. |
Development of Integrated Mental Health and Social Care Services for a Model Region |
May, June 2011
IAN is is organising series of accredited training programs in the field of community mental health care - Basic Principals of Community Mental Health Care and Case-managament in Community Mental Health Care. |
CLICK TO EUROPE: e-Inclusion - a new opportunity or a new gap |
24 and 25 May 2011
The conference will address general importance of digital inclusion in today's world of modern technologies and steps and challenges related to digital inclusion for Serbia, as a country preparing for EU accession. |
Workshop Quality standards in ICT education |
12 April 2011
Within workshop Quality standards in ICT education it was introduced the best practices from European Union and Serbia in standardization and certification of ICT education. The workshop is part of the project Click to Europe supported by European Union and Microsoft. |
Monitoring of Psychiatric Institutions - Experiences from Lithuania |
6 April 2011
Within project " Torture Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme", in cooperation with Holland organization GIP and Ombudsperson office, IAN is organising two day long workshop "Monitoring of Psychiatric Institutions - Experiences from Lithuania". |
I. PLHIV conferences in Serbia |
25 March 2011
Union Organization of Serbia involved in the protection of people living with HIV (USOP) held in Palic in the period from 23st to 25thMarch 2011.The "First PLHIV conference in Serbia ", which is considered the first conference of this subject and type in the region. |
Get Online Week |
28 February - 5 March 2011
Throughout the coming months, individual telecentres, telecentre networks, public libraries, ICT companies, education institutions, and thousands of European offliners will engage in hundreds of activities, training events, workshops and much more.
The campaign will culminate in a Get online week from 28 February to 5 March 2011.
Kids Internet Safety |
February 2011
The 8th of February 2011 is Internet Safety Day. For this occasion, within our Click to Europe project, IAN is launching a campaign devoted to promoting child safety on the Internet . |
Workshop ICT Assistive Technologies |
22-23 November 2010
The workshop ICT Assistive Technologies organized by the International Aid Network on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2010 in Belgrade attracted great attention of people with disabilities, their associations, schools working with children with disabilities and associations that support people with disabilities in their full inclusion into our society. |
Research presentation |
25 October 2010
Presentation of the research "Perception of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of health professionals related to HIV in 2010", conducted by IAN research team as part of Ministry of Health and GFATM Projects fighting HIV/AIDS in Serbia, was held in Belgrade. |
E-Inclusion of vulnerable groups |
29-30 September 2010
IAN and Esplai organize a two-day workshop e-Inclusion of vulnerable groups, as the first of the four workshops designed and realised as a part of the project Click to Europe |
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture |
June 2010
IAN and partners commemorated the 26th of June the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture with a series of events and activities.
International conference "Global mental health" |
IAN and IMHCN-International Mental Health Collaborating Network organised the International Conference "Global mental health: Developing values-driven services and evidence-based practice" |
Philip Kotler about IAN |
October 2009
In their new book "Up and Out of Poverty: The Social Marketing Solution" Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee (publisher Wharton School Publishing, 2009) have presented, among other, the results of IAN Telecentar work . |
Shedding Light on a Dark Practice |
This book is primarily intended for health and legal professionals who work with or are likely to come into contact with torture survivors, but anyone with an interest in the question of torture will find useful insights |
Establishing Social Enterprise |
To enable economic and social integration of the beneficiaries IAN will establish a pilot Social Enterprise in Belgrade area. Social enterprises are a new concept in Serbia. |
Istanbul Protocol published in Serbian |
Istanbul Protocol provides a set of internationally recognized, practical guidelines for establishing medical evidence that can be used in court to prove allegations of torture. |
Persons with hearing impairment received ECDL certificates |
With this project IAN created an education programme that included intensive trainings in IAN Computer school, and social skills courses, and for those interested in initiating own business, entrepreneurship courses were organised. |
Action 5 for 1 |
We invite all media and companies to join the action 5 for 1 . The action will ensure free-of-charge educational courses to the vulnerable group members. |

High EU representatives visit |
IAN had the honour to welcome Mr Vladimir Spidla, EC Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Ambassador Josep M. Lloveras, Head of the EC Delegation to Serbia.
News archive >> |