IAN International Aid Network
City Library and Reading Room Vinkovci
Library "Dr Djordje Natosevic" Indjija

City Library Vukovar
Municipal Public Library Drenovci
Public library Kula

City Library and Reading Room Ilok
Public library
"Veljko Petrovic" Backa Palanka

City Library Zupanja
Project supported by:

European Union
Workshop: e-Librarian – modern libraries as telecentres
24 May 2013 |

The workshop e-Librarian was held on 24 May 2013 in the City Library “Dr Djorđe Natosevic“ in Indjija. Representatives of the partner libraries participating in the project Libraries for a new age from Serbia (Kula, Indjija and Backa Palanka) and Croatia (Vinkovci, Vukovar, Ilok, Zupanja and Drenovci) had have been introduced with the concept of telecentres i.e. places in the community providing access to computers, internet and help citizens access information and knowledge using modern technologies. The participants were first greeted by the director of the host library, Ms Vesna Stepanović, as well as the head of the Department for Social Affairs of the Municipality of Indjija, Ms Ivana Babin. As an introduction into the workshop, professor Željko Vučković from the Library Department of the Faculty of Pedagogy in Sombor delivered a lecture Digital odyssey: librarian competences for the work in electronic environment. |
Download section*
* all materials in Serbian or Croatian language
In the central part of the workshop representatives of International Aid Network, Borko Vujadinovic, IT teacher and Gordana Stankov Stojilovic, Project Manager presented the ways and possibilities for the libraries in our region to function as telecentres. Practical skills and knowledge from the yearlong work on providing digital literacy and professional empowerment to citizens, especially those from marginalised groups, have been transferred to the partner libraries. |
In addition, detailed curricula for ICT trainings used by IAN Telecentar, Educative department of IAN, have also been transferred to the librarians. This will be a valuable resource for the partner libraries for implementation of the new services soon to start in the libraries. These are pilot trainings for unemployed youth, persons with disabilities and elderly in the local communities. Within this cross-border project funded by the European Union, at least 280 persons have been planned to receive trainings in computer use and active job search through the Croatian and Serbian libraries participating in the project.
At the end of the workshops the librarians who have completed comprehensive IT training and passed 4 exams were awarded ECDL Start certificates (European Computer Driving Licence). They will be leaders in their community libraries in building new support services for the members for accessing knowledge by using new technologies in the libraries. |
Workshop Agenda (in Serbian) here
Photos from the workshop here.
More information:
For more information please contact Gordana Stankov Stojilovic,
IAN-International Aid Network, Djure Danicica 5, Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3229 732.
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