"Kosovo/a Initiative" Assessment Mission
DRC Job no. 503-556
Supported by FRESTA
4.4.2. Conclusion and Recommendations - Macedonia:
Return / reintegration related:
Enhance information and experience exchange mechanisms between Macedonian NGOs and other NGOs in the region, particularly focusing on the still remaining refugees from Kosovo. The other aspect of the information exchange mechanism is to use the the experiences and know-how of Macedonian NGOs re. inter-ethnic dialogue and post-conflict community revitalization as a resource for other NGOs when it comes to Return to Kosovo.
Create modalities for the capacity building of NGOs related to the return to Kosovo.
NGO development related
- Increase links between other FRESTA funded regional initiatives, and especially the SEE-RAN with the current work of NGOs in Macedonia, with the focus on community revitalization and inter-ethnic dialogue and tolerance building projects.
- Provide means and resources for the capacity building of local NGOs that are identified as relevant partners in facilitation of the return to Kosovo.
- Raise awareness amongst donors and other relevant stakeholders on existing return to Kosovo related activities and capacities of local NGOs in Macedonia, thus aiming at changing the opportunity / donor driven profile of local NGOs to a more proactive and more independent approach.