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IT for the unemployed - e-Skills for New Jobs |

According to the Serbian Republican Institute for Statistics officially registered rate of unemployment in August 2010 was 19.2% (the EU27 average is 9.6% - June 2010, Eurostat), among some vulnerable groups up to 75%, and 6,9% of Serbian population is below absolute poverty line.
The structure of the unemployed is characterized by long-term unemployment which has deepened in recent years. Reintegration of the long-term unemployed people and members of vulnerable groups into the labor market is a crucial task, considering that these people have lost skills, knowledge, motivation and working habits due to long-term absence from work. Exclusion from the labor market also leads to psychological problems and deterioration of social and economic position. |
In partnership with Microsoft IAN Telecentar has been engaged in accomplishing the following goals
- raising IT literacy and practical use of eSkills,
- raising motivation for active job search and
- improving beneficiaries` employability and chances for getting a new/better job.
What we are doing right now
In 2011 thanks to the Microsoft donation minimum 1300 computer courses are provided for around 350 beneficiaries, who have been most affected by the consequences of the world economic crisis. Beneficiaries entitled to this program are primarily the unemployed, but also members of some of the most vulnerable groups in Serbia (persons with disabilities, long-term unemployed, self-supporting parents, persons aged over 50, young up to 30 years of age, etc).
Participants admittied to the program are able to choose up to 4 of the 6 courses designed in accordance with the labour market demands. It includes the following applications:
- Using the Computer and Managing Files
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheets
- Database
- Presentation
- Information and Communication
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