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Improving the educational status of women in our society represents one of the ways to influence the improvement of the overall position of women. IAN Telecentar has always been paying special attention to professional empowerment of women and their motivation to access digital technologies. Throughout our years of work comprehensive training programs tailored for empowerment of vulnerable groups of women (single mothers, victims of violence and trafficking, long term unemployed) have been created. |
They include a combination of
IT courses
English language courses,
active job search trainings
social skills
web design courses
practical trainings for Administrative Assistant job
IAN Telecentre has been supported in its efforts related to women empowerment by different donors including International Women's Club – Belgrade, Microsoft, UNESCO, etc.
Around 67% of all beneficiaries of IAN Telecentar are women. Special focus is put on women who belong to some of the disadvantaged social groups, who need comprehensive support for successful social and economic integration such as: |
- unemployed women (young first-time job seekers, middle-aged women who lost their job in the period of transition)
- single mothers
- women victims of violence
- women with disabilities
- women with history of psychiatric illness - currently in remission
We are very proud to the achievements of IAN Telecentar program for women empowerment, especially to the fact that 30-50% of women beneficiaries who enter the program as unemployed find a job during the training program or 6 month after its end.
Here are the stories of some of our participants:
Irena (29): |
"...Lectures were organised in such a way that the individuals were divided into various groups comprising of individuals of different age and gender. Here I had an amazing opportunity to see the value of accessing the information technology (IT) for females of different age, be it girls, women, and/ ladies in their late fifties. .Once I got employed I was asked whether or not I would have gotten this job had I not known how to use the computer. I remember answering "of course not, but I also wouldn't have gotten any other job either!.." read the whole story |
Maida (38) |
"Life is wondrous, each day is an experience and we are uncertain what it will have in store for us. Faith had a plan for me. I used to be an owner of a party, event, planning company, and at this stage of my life the computer was of little use to me…. Faith played a trick on me. I got divorced and had to share my company offices with my now ex-husband, and was thus forced to automatically close the company. In a very short period of time I was left unemployed… Today my job is to import data into the computer…" read the whole story |
Natalija (41) |
".Young and old, from various backgrounds, life experiences and occupations, we all had an opportunity to be useful and add to the variety and completeness of the lectures, whilst helping one another thrive and concur various aspects of the coursework. I was especially glad to see that the resistance which was expressed by many women, including myself, towards the computer was decreasing on a daily basis, and to upon completion of every module (Windows, Word, Excel, Internet, Access, PowerPoint) be replaced by the interest and desire for further discoveries..." read the whole story |
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