Project partner |
Under the Strengthening Serbia-EU Civil Society Dialogue Project, funded by the European Union and managed by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Establishing Social Enerprise |
Memberships |


International conference: e-Inclusion - a new opportunity or a new gap
Workshop: Quality standards in ICT education
Workshop: Self sustainability of organisations providing ICT education
Workshop: Promotion of ICT Assistive technology
Workshop: e-Inclusion of vulnerable groups

Conference: eInclusion: a new opportunity or a new gap
24 & 25 May 2011
Towards Information Society - Serbian Perspective
Nikola Markovic, President of the Serbian Information Technology Society |
Serbian |
Digital literacy in Serbia
Prof Dr Dragan Domazet, Dean of the Metropolitan University, Belgrade |
Serbian |
Digital literacy as a precondition for development of information society
Ðorde Dukic, resident of JISA, Serbia |
Serbian |
Millennium generation: Surf ergo sum
Tanja Milovanovic, Coordinator of the Centre for Research of Information Technologies of the Belgrade Open School |
Serbian |
English |
Digital inclusion as an instrument for social inclusion and poverty reduction
Žarko Sunderic, Manager of the Team for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration |
Serbian |
Why e-skills matter for employability?
Ian Clifford, Head of Business Development, UK online centres & Deputy Chair, Telecentre-Europe |
Serbian |
Programs for e-skills and employability improvement for vulnerable groups in Serbia
Ivan Stojilovic, IAN Telecentar Manager, IAN International Aid Network |
Serbian |
Telecentre Europe Network
Gabriela Barna, Chair of the Telecentre Europe Network Board |
English |
English |
Media literacy for the 21st century
Žarko Cižmar, Telecantar Zagreb, Croatia |
Croatian |
What Microsoft can do for NGO sector?
Marija Vujanic, PR&Citizenship manager, Microsoft Serbia |
Serbian |
Inclusive Internet: Training for social workers addressing groups at risk
Sven Weber, Project Manager, Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany |
English |
Impact of ICT education on vulnerable groups
Ivana Vidakovic, Manager of the Research Department, IAN International Aid Network |
Serbian |
Digital inclusion for the benefit of women
Jasmina Stanic, Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality, Serbia |
Serbian |
Women empowerment through ICT
Gordana Stankov Stojilovic, Programme Manager, IAN International Aid Network |
Serbian |
They clicked and were heard far and wide
Dragan Sajic, Regional Manager of the Centre for Rural Development MOBA |
Serbian |

Workshop: Quality standards in ICT education
12 April 2011
Prezentacija projekta i ciljeva radionice
Gordana Stankov Stojilovic - IAN |
Serbian |
Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 1 The digital revolution: citizenship and inclusion in a post-industrial society
Ismael Pena - López, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
English |
Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 2 Policies for (e-)inclusion: from physical access to meaningful use
Ismael Pena - López, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
English |
Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 3 Netizens: towards a set of digital competences
Ismael Pena - López, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
English |
Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch. Part 4 New assessment frameworks for new skills
Ismael Pena - López, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
English |
Improving ICT education in the telecentre, double perspective:
Pedro Aguilera |
English |
AcTIC - Certification in ICT - Catalan Public Administration example
Pedro Aguilera |
English |
Improving ICT education in the telecentre, double perspective:
Virginia Pareja |
English |
Standardi IKT edukacije u Srbiji - ECDL
Jovan Aleksic, JISA |
Serbian |
Standardi kvaliteta u praksi: Iskustva IAN Telecentra
Ivan Stojilovic, IAN |
Serbian |

Workshop: Self sustainability of organisations providing ICT education
28 February 2011

Workshop: Promotion of ICT Assistive technology
22 - 23 November 2010
Prezentacija projekta i ciljeva radionice
Gordana Stankov Stojilovic - IAN |
Serbian |
Znacaj stvaranja drustva jednakih mogucnosti za sve
Željko Ilic, Forum mladih sa invaliditetom |
Serbian |
Uvod u asistivne tehnologije - kako odabrati odgovarajuce sredstvo AT, primena u edukaciji, prilagodavanje radnih mesta za osobe sa invaliditetom
prof. dr Gordana Odovic, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju |
Serbian |
Jednaki pristup za jednake mogucnosti - Podrska inkluziji u osnovnoj skoli putem koriscenja asistivnih tehnologija
Magdalena Dimkova and Margarita Gulevska , Otvorite prozore , Makedonija |
Serbian |
Iskustva skole Milan Petrovic iz Novog Sada u primeni asistivnih tehnologija u obrazovanju
mr Slavica Markovic, Jelena Mazurkijevic i Mirjana Lazor |
Serbian |
Neophodnost asistivnih racunarskih tehnologija u ucenju i radu osoba ostecenog vida i Demonstracija rada na racunaru u kombinaciji sa govornim citacem ekrana i Brajevim redom
mr Luka Joksimovic Barbat, Savez slepih Srbije |
Serbian |
Govorne tehnologije kao osnova za razvoj pomagala i IKT servisa za osobe sa invaliditetom
prof. dr. Vlado Delic, Fakultet tehnickih nauka, Novi Sad |
Serbian |
Upotreba govornih softvera kod simbian mobilnih telefona
dipl. ing. Nikola Ðordevic |
Serbian |
Pristupacnost web sadržaja
Ivan Branisavljevic, Republicki zavod za informatiku i Internet, Srbija |
Serbian |
Primena novih tehnologija u edukaciji slepih, sa posebnim osvrtom na obuku slepe dece
Dragan Miljojcic, Agencija INSERT |
Serbian |
Primena asistivnih tehnologija u informisanju, obrazovanju i zaposljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom
Tamara Blagojevic, Dragana Stankovic, Gabor Nemet, EHO Resursni centar za osobe sa invaliditetom, Novi Sad |
Serbian |
Asistivne tehnologije - globalna perspektiva i iskustva iz Austrije
David Hofer, Life Tool, Austrija |
Serbian |
Otvorite prozore - Centar za asistivnu tehnologiju i e-Inovacije
Magdalena Dimkova and Margarita Gulevska , Otvorite prozore , Makedonija |
Serbian |
Asistivne tehnologije u funkciji integracije osoba ostecenog vida; Prikaz rada na Brajevom displeju i upotreba citaca ekrana i sintetizatora govora;
Mirjana Mihailovic, Gordana Videnovic, Nebojsa Markovic, Stefan Pantic, Muzicka skola "Kosta Manojlovic" i Elektrotehnicka skola "Nikola Tesla" Beograd |
Serbian |
Primena specijalizovanih softvera u nastavi
Mirjana Mihailovic, Gordana Videnovic, Nebojsa Markovic, Stefan Pantic, Muzicka skola "Kosta Manojlovic" i Elektrotehnicka skola "Nikola Tesla" Beograd |
Serbian |

Workshop: e-Inclusion of vulnerable groups
29 - 30 September 2010
Presentation of the project and goals of the workshop
Gordana Stankov Stojilovic - IAN |
Serbian |
Context - Serbia and EU
Ivan Stojilovic - IAN |
Serbian |
Employability and unemployment rate in Spain,
Hose Manuel Peres Munoz- Esplai |
English |
Case study on improvement of the e-skills in Europe
Melissa Pailthorp, Microsoft |
English |
ICT initiatives in schools for children with disabilities
Katarina Veljkovic |
Serbian |
Serbian |
How to improve Employability in Telecentres. The 7 steps to employability methodology
Marta Mans Valles, Esplai |
English |
Serbian |
English |
Red Conecta network in Spain, reducing the digital gap trough ICT in Telecentres with vulnerable target groups
Pedro Aguilera & Marta Mans Valles, Esplai |
English |
Serbian |
Telecentre Europe
Gabi Barna, EOS Romania |
English |
English |
Retraining of the unemployed miners
Gabi Barna, EOS Romania |
English |
IAN lessons learned and best practices related to the design, implementation and impact of IT education programs on employability of vulnerable groups
IIvan Stojilovic & Borko Vujadinovic, IAN , IAN |
Serbian |
Initiatives in Spain to improve ICT knowledge and employability with Roma
Pedro Aguilera, Esplai
English |
Serbian |
Typing future, a project to teach and learn ICT in Prisions
Virginia Pareja, Esplai |
English |
Serbian |
IAN experience in ICT education as a part of rehabilitation and resocialisation programs for youth in conflict with the law, psychiatric patients leaving the hospital and long-term unemployed
Gordana StankovStojilovic, Ivana Vidakovic & Aleksandar Virijevic, IAN |
Serbian |

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