Home News First center for rehabilitation of torture victims in Macedonia opened

First center for rehabilitation of torture victims in Macedonia opened

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Press Conference on the occasion of the opening of the Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims in Prilep was held in Prilep on 26 February, 2019.  Activities of the Center will be implemented within the project “Holistic Action against Torture” implemented by IAN International Aid Network in partnership with Center for Civic Initiative (CCI) Prilep and Center for Human Rights Nis.

Speakers at the Conference were:

Goce Todoroski, Executive Director, CCI Prilep,

Freek Janmaat, Head of Department of EU Delegation in Skopje,

Jelena Lončarević, Direktorka projekta, IAN Beograd

Zivko Siljanovski, Direktor Centra za socijani rad, Prilep

Aleksandar Dameski, Direktor zatvora, Prilep.

Activities within the Center for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims in Prilep started on January 1, this year, and it is planned that at least 200 victims of torture and members of their families receive comprehensive rehabilitation within the course of the project.

IAN representative Jelena Loncarevic explained the concept of torture, where it can occur, who are the persons at risk of being tortured and what are the obligations of the States signatories to the UN Convention against Torture. She pointed out the importance of the existence of the center for rehabilitation of torture victims in Macedonia, as well as the project activities related to the rehabilitation of victims of torture.

The press conference caused the great interest of radio and television journalists on national and local frequencies, as well as the Macedonian Information Agency.

Please find some of the conference reports at the following links:

Web portal Info kompas


MIA – Macedonian Informative Agency


TV Sitel – national television


Local radio station Pela


Local TV Station Kanal Vizija


Web portal Tri:



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