Home Projects Community-based support in integration

Community-based support in integration

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Project aims to strengthen integration capacities of at least 100 asylum seekers through provision of specific knowledge about relevant psychosocial and life skills and improvement of their mental health condition.

True integration of asylum seekers implies a long-term concern for their health, because when they are medically stable, then they are capable and ready for the next steps in integration, such as: greater involvement in society in Serbia, leaving the centers, renting apartments, desire to be informed, further educate and to be professionally oriented and then search for stable jobs.

Two segments of the proposed action, the mental health care services and the education on psychosocial and life skills are necessary and will build on each other in strengthening integration capacities of the project’s population of concern.

Activities include:

  1. Psychiatric and psychological interventionsIndividual psychiatric interventions and group psychotherapeutic and psychological interventions.
  2. Education in psychosocial and life skills – will address the topics related to the experiences of asylum seekers, mental health, mental illnesses and problems, support, treatment; public health topics; the topics of discrimination, stigma, gender-based violence; communication skills, assertiveness, Serbian society specifics – social norms, cultural patterns, cultural education, love relationships, general socialization, stimulating exercises for Serbian language learning; professional orientation and Serbian job market situation…

In addition to the knowledge about specific topics, participants of educational activities will obtain skills for carrying out community-based protection through self-support group and peer counseling. They will learn how to use their own assets and resources to support their own mental health and psychosocial well-being and that of their communities, thus providing mental health support to wider range of people in their community.

Project activities will be implemented in three locations: Belgrade, Banja Koviljaca and Bogovadja.

UNHCR Serbia

Project duration: 1st January 2021 – 31th December 2021

Contact person: Biljana Petrović bpetrovic@ian.org.rs


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