Projects Cooperation in Torture Prevention Posted on 1. July 2013. 5 min read 0 0 62 Cooperation in Torture Prevention Short project description: Overall project objective is to contribute to eradication of torture and impunity in Serbian society by preventing torture in places of detention. Specific objective is to improve the efficiency of monitoring, documentation and reporting of torture in places of detention by the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). Expected results: Capacity building and stronger involvement of Serbian civil society organizations (CSO) in the work of NPM Building capacities of Ombudsperson’s office through seminars, and sharing expertise with regional and international National Preventive Mechanism Raising awareness on human rights and importance of NPM in torture prevention among wider public Results: Consultation process among civil society organisations (CSOs) regarding creation of the Platform on the Role and Cooperation of Civil Society in the Work of National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM) included four round table discussions and several meetings. 19 organisations signed The Platform and it was presented to public on Press conference and via live TV programme. Awareness raising activities included public performance for wider public. It was theatre play based workshop named “Where is the body of the soul”, performed by the members of CSO ”Dusa” (“Soul”) who are users of psychiatric services. The performance offered the possibility for wider public to become aware of problems vulnerable groups in danger of torture face in their lives. International seminar for capacity building of Ombudsperson office staff was organised in two time points. First part of the seminar was organised by OSCE Mission to Serbia and supported by IAN. It was dedicated to creation of South East European (SEE) NPM Network. Representatives of six NPM from the region were present as well as international experts. Declaration on Cooperation SEE NPM Network was created. Second part of the seminar was dedicated to participation of civil society and experts in the work of NPM. International, regional and domestic players in the field of torture prevention participated, shared information and experiences and discussed ways of improvement their own and mutual practice. Six public discussions for general public were held for students at faculties of law and philosophy in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac and for Roma community in Belgrade. 123 participants of public discussions were informed about issues related to torture prevention and role of NPM. Leaflets about CSO Platform were disseminated among participants of all public discussions and seminar. Consultative evaluation of the project was carried out, providing analysis of project implementation and results achieved and giving recommendations for future actions in the area of concern. During the whole period of project implementation IAN and associates were engaged in the work of NPM. Monitoring visits were held regularly and reports on all visits written with significant contribution of CSO representatives. Donor: The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia Project duration: June 2012 – June 2013 Contact person: Tijana Eror See image gallery