News Presentation of the report “Documentation of Abuse and Collective Exile of Refugees and Migrants” Posted on 12. October 2018. 2 min read 0 0 169 On Thursday, 4th October 2018, in the House of Human Rights, Bg Center and IAN presented the report “Documentation of Abuse and Collective Exile of Refugees and Migrants”. Documentation was done in 2017, when the Belgrade Center for Human Rights and the International Aid Network (IAN), with the support of the UNHCR Office in Belgrade, formed a special team of lawyers, psychologists / psychiatrists and experts in forensic medicine with the task to, in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol, document cases of ill-treatment and collective expulsion of refugees and migrants from neighboring countries (Croatia, Hungary and Romania). The participants were, on the occasion of the presentation of the report, addressed by representatives of IAN Bojana Trivuncic, BG Center Nikola Kovacevic, Prof. Dr. Djordje Alempijevic, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade and member of the CPT; Prof. Dr. Duarte Nuno Vieira, Dean of Medical Faculty of the University of Coimbra and one of the most respected experts in the field of forensic medicine in the world, as well as John Andrew Young, Head of the Legal Department of the UNHCR.