The Game

1 min read

Since 2015, when migration through so called ‘Balkan route‘ was on its
peak, a significant number of migrants is getting stranded in transit countries. As those countries are not their desired destination, a large number of migrants, including unaccompanied minors among them, continuously try to proceed forward and they go to the ‘game‘ (a colloquial name for an illegal attempt to cross the border). The ‘game‘, in the most cases, ends in violence and torture.
International Aid Network IAN within its project ‘Holistic Action against Torture‘, funded by The European Union through European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), conducted a qualitative research with the aim to understand psychological mechanisms, social, economic and other factors that influence recurrent going to the ‘game‘ despite the consequences like torture and other traumatic experiences.

Research report is available here.


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