Home Projects The Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LOT)

The Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LOT)

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Project “The Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LOT)” is designed with the aim to establish support for professional workers in support services for persons with disabilities and to promote and contribute to real and sustainable changes in the way of services provision in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (the project is being implemented in 15 countries). D-lot project is coordinated by the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), Brussels. EASPD is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works in the field of disability rights and represents over 15 000 service providers for persons with disabilities from all over Europe as well as their umbrella organization. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and quality support systems in the community. IAN is responsible for the project implementation on the territory of Serbia.

The objective of the project is to build capacity of DPOs & CSOs, especially those led by people with psychosocial disabilities on: (a) understanding CRPD principle, values and provisions and apply it to service provision (b) using DLOT e-learning platform to mobilize the community and establish the community-based services for persons with psychosocial disabilities based on their needs or improve the quality of existing ones and enhance direct involvement of users in service provision.

Online platform consists of 10 interactive modules covering the most important areas relevant for people in managerial positions in organizations that provide services but also for those who work directly with people with disabilities and people with disabilities themselves. Each module contains thematic presentations, text content, interactive quizzes and exercises for testing and application of knowledge as well as recommended reading materials. Within the platform, the Knowledge Centre is set up, containing resources and publications concerning each thematic module including relevant laws and policies at European and national level. User Forum is an integral part of the platform, and allows users to interact and share experiences with customer service providers from other countries.

Online platform is available at: www.dlot.eu

D-lot online training program is open to new interested participants, primarily staff engaged in support service provision for persons with disabilities. Using d-lot online learning platform is free of charge and easily available – sending a request to create a user account to the email address adriana.popa@easpd.eu

In addition to online training, the project includes delivery of two offline trainings for service providers, as well as the final conference on the topic of deinstitutionalization in Serbia.

Project duration: January 2017- June 2017

Contact person: Tijana Eror tijanaeror@gmail.com

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