Projects Better life for refugees and migrants Posted on 8. October 2017. 3 min read 1 0 179 The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life of refugees and migrants settled in the Reception centre in Bosilegrad and to encourage their integration into local society. Within the scope of this project that lasts until 28th of February, IAN is providing psycho-social support through psychological workshops and creative workshops for refugee women and through creative/musical workshops with refugee children. Creative workshops with women and children are facilitated by experienced artists from “MOTO” NGO. Through games, drawings, cartoons with musical themes, songs, dances from different regions, playing on different instruments of classical music children are playing and socializing. IAN also built a children playground that consist of seesaws, swings, climbing irons and other facilities for playing, that is installed in the yard of reception centre in Bosilegrad. Serbian language courses are organized for the refugee population too. Local teacher for Serbian language is providing classes for refugee children and adults who are interested in learning Serbian language. At the end of the project Final event of the project will be organized. The event will be composed of set of activities including exhibition of children’s drawings and items produced within artistic workshops, theatre play and children’s musical show. Theatre play will be created based on personal stories of refugees and performed in front of local community and refugee population in Bosilegrad. Through these activities local population will be introduced with refugee cultures and will be more aware about the refugee problems. Duration of the project: September 2017 – February 2018 Donor: Group 484 through Norwegian Embassy project Contact person: Bojana Trivunčić There are no photos with those IDs or post 1524 does not have any attached images!