Home Projects Emergency assistance to torture victims among migrants and asylum seekers in Serbia

Emergency assistance to torture victims among migrants and asylum seekers in Serbia

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Project Emergency assistance to torture victims among migrants and asylum seekers in Serbia is designed with the aim to provide medical assistance and psychological first aid to refugees and migrants in their transit through Serbia. Assistance was provided through medical mobile unit consisting of medical doctor, nurse, psychologist, interpreter and field coordinator. Special focus was given to identification and treatment of victims of torture and their family members among refugees. Project was implemented in different places where refugees were settled, in Belgrade, Sid – Principovac, Adasevci, Berkasovo and Sid railway station.

This project was financed by UN Voluntary Fund for Torture victims in the period from October 1st 2015 until 30 September 2016. Thanks to the project supported by UNVFVT, IAN mobile unit provided psychological and medical support to 370 refugees – torture victims and their family members. Medical first aid (MFA) included basic primary health care interventions including: screenings, curative care, first aid, reproductive health, psychosocial support, and emergency and other medical and mental health referrals. Psychosocial first aid (PFA) included assessing the needs and concerns, basic psychosocial support (emotional comfort/helped to feel calm, empathic listening, information about stress reactions, encouraging positive coping) and linking to services through provision of information or facilitating access services and assistance e.g., shelter, food, water, clothes.

Kontakt osoba: Jelena Lončarević jbakalic@ian.org.rs

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