Home Projects Fight against Torture and Impunity

Fight against Torture and Impunity

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Overall objective of the project is to contribute to the eradication of torture and impunity in Serbian society and healing from consequences of torture. Overall objective will be reached through the following specific objectives:

1) Fight against torture and impunity through monitoring the implementation of the Action plan for the Chapter 23 and advocating for legislative changes.

2) Ensuring adequate redress and rehabilitation of victims through campaigning for right for rehabilitation and redress.

3) Provision of comprehensive and effective rehabilitation programme for victims.

Expected results of the project are:

 1 – Amendments to legislation of domestic Criminal Code formulated by working groups consisting of wide scope of stakeholders (victims, human rights defenders…)

 2 – Relevant stakeholders informed and included in implementation of changes in legislation

 3 – Strategy for implementation of right for rehabilitation created and promoted among relevant stakeholders

4 – Raised awareness of general public about problems of torture victims

 5 – Further strengthening of capacities of Ombudspersons office through monitoring visits of closed institutions

 6 – Establishing adequate processes and reducing complaints on treatment of Persons Deprived of their Liberty by government officials

 7 – Association of ex-detainees revitalised and members involved in actions related to fight for their rights for redress and rehabilitation

 8 – Consequences of torture to physical and psychological health of torture victims and their family members diminished

Project is implemented in partnership with Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM.

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia

Project duration: 1st December 2017 – 30th November 2019

Contact person: Sanja Djurica sdjurica@ian.org.rs



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