News IAN started collaboration with UN Women Serbia Posted on 29. June 2020. 1 min read 0 0 125 By signing a partnership agreement with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the implementation of the project Valuing Childcare and Housework has officially begun. The project is part of a larger project “Gender Responsible Governance – Redistribution of Unpaid Care Work”, implemented by UN Women in collaboration with Coordination Body for Gender Equality, with the support of the Government of the United Kingdom and the British Embassy. Project activities are aimed at: – Economic empowerment of women and protection of their rights through development andmembership in professional organization – Identifying and targeting problems related to recognition of nanny profession and finding bestsolutions through meetings with relevant stakeholders and organization of the Conference – Encouraging men to equally participate in housework and childcare Project duration is 8 months.