Home Publications Internally displaced persons from the Prizren Area of Kosovo: awaiting return for three years

Internally displaced persons from the Prizren Area of Kosovo: awaiting return for three years

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“After the formal ending of the 1998-1999 Kosovo conflict and cessation of NATO bombardment of FR Yugoslavia in 1999, a great number of Serbs and other non-Albanians from the Prizren area fled their homeland and were displaced and expelled to other parts of Serbia and to Montenegro. According to the earlier reports of the respective estimates of certain international organisations (UNHCR, ICRC), about 200 000 persons were forcibly displaced into the parts of Serbia outside Kosovo and Metohija. In the UN OCHA Office report from April 2002 it was stated that 231 000 IDPs from Kosovo and Metohija live in Serbia and Montenegro. According to the current official estimations of the Coordination Centre of FRY and of the Republic of Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija, from the total number of about 280 000 internally displaced persons and expellees from the Kosovo and Metohija region, some 30 000 (or around 11%) originates from the Prizren area.”

Exctract from the Foreword of the book “INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS from the PRIZREN AREA of KOSOVO and METOHIJA: awaiting return for three years”

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INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS from the PRIZREN AREA of KOSOVO and METOHIJA: awaiting return for three years (338 downloads )


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