Home Projects Recovery within community – Supporting recovery of persons with mental disorders and their full inclusion in the community

Recovery within community – Supporting recovery of persons with mental disorders and their full inclusion in the community

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The project was implemented in partnership with International Mental Health Collaborating Network IMHCN, Association of users of psychiatric services and their families “Dusa”; associations “Prostor” and “In the Family Circle”. Associates of the project are Provincial Secretariat for Health Care, Social Policy and Demography, psychiatric institutions from Kovin, Vrsac and Novi Knezevac and social care institutions from Curug, Novi Becej and Stari Lec. Project aim was to enhance the social inclusion of persons with mental disability and mental health disorders in Serbia, through development of the role model of available, affordable, accessible community based social services for people with mental health disorders based on the concept of recovery approach and user-s participation and supporting Government of Vojvodina and 6 institutions in Vojvodina to improve care of people with mental health disorders by applying the experience of the role model centre and policy development.

Project results: A range of community based social services were provided to people with mental health problems, including drop in, self-support groups, art therapy, home and community crisis interventions, family and individual counselling, education for employment, legal counselling. Overall 136 users received at least one of our services. 32 clients received support in crisis; 88 clients participated in drop in; 10 people received legal counselling; 95 users participated in self-support groups meaning that this service was most used; 65 persons received family counselling or participated in family conference; 29 people participated in art therapy workshops; 51 clients participated in different educational courses or trainings. 83 users (61%) evaluated services as accessible, affordable and efficient and graded their quality with 4.64 out of 5. In addition to the development of services for users, the project included educational trainings for professionals – service providers, users and family members. Trainings were conducted by experienced professionals, advocates of the whole life recovery approach and members of the International Mental Health Collaborating Network IMHCN. Learning set 1 – Recovery into Practice for Mental Health Workers; Learning Set 2 – Recovery into Practice for Family Members and People with Lived Experience named Service user, family member and professional –Trialogue approach; Learning Set 3 – Recovery focused acute and crisis alternative services including Recovery Houses. Service users, family members and mental health professionals participated in those trainings, overall 98 participants.

Promotion of the project and the Centre was an ongoing activity throughout the whole project implementation period. It included different promotional events, press conference, media, internet and social network appearances and distribution of promotional material.

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Project duration: June 2014 – December 2015

Contact person: Tijana Eror tijanaeror@gmail.com

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