Home Projects Voluntary confidential counselling and HIV testing (VCCT)

Voluntary confidential counselling and HIV testing (VCCT)

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Voluntary confidential counselling and HIV testing (VCCT) (2004-2007) was the first section project aimed at HIV prevention improvement, supported by CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). The project activities were conducted in partnership with Student’s Health Clinic and CAFOD section for technical support. Alongside cooperation with Student’s Health Clinic in Belgrade and VCCT development in field, we organized numerous training events, supervision meetings and study visits for VCCT counsellors from Serbia. The project was evaluated as one of the best projects supported by CAFOD in Eastern Europe. The link between IAN, Student’s Health Clinic and with number of other counsellors attached to informal network of professionals can be seen in the lasting cooperation. Great achievements of these counselling centres (at the Students’ Health Clinic, in Subotica, Vranje, Sabac) can be seen in good quality of counselling and proactive approach to vulnerable groups, they are also recognized by clients, and other important organizations and individuals in the field of HIV prevention and care for PLHIV (people living with HIV and AIDS).

Contact person: Biljana Petrović bpetrovic@ian.org.rs


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