Home Projects Comprehensive support to people affected by AIDS

Comprehensive support to people affected by AIDS

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Within the project Comprehensive support program for people affected by HIV (2007-2009) supported by CAFOD, IAN supported development of eight PLHIV associations (associations of people living with HIV), that are active in Serbia (Aid +, ŽENA+, following Q-club , ALEXO, Stav plus , UPSZ, Sunce i SPAIDS). The support consisted of delivering great number of training programs specifically designed according to the need of every association and individual consultation.

As part of the project IAN opened counselling site for people with HIV to provide specialized forms of psychological aid: individual counselling, self-help group, psychotherapy, psychiatric service, family counselling.

Also, project supported professional helpers (VCCT counsellors, nurses, NGO PLHIV counsellors (peer educators) and social workers, though continuous education and professional supervision.

Contact person: Biljana Petrovic bpetrovic@ian.org.rs


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